@DATABASE StickyClock.guide @AUTHOR "Kimmo Pekkola 'Rainman'" @$VER: StickyClock.guide 1.0 (05.01.95) @INDEX Main @WIDTH 80 @NODE Main "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" Rainlities #5: -= @{b}@{fg highlight}S T I C K Y C L O C K@{fg text}@{ub} =- - Clock for virtual WBs - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- @{" Introduction " LINK Introduction} Why another clock? @{" Using StickyClock " LINK Usage} Why should you use it? @{" Features " LINK F&F} All the goodies and more @{" History " LINK History} What has happened earlyer? @{" ToDo " LINK ToDo} What to expect in the future? @{" Credits " LINK Credits} Who did this anyway? @{" Other Prods " LINK Other} Rainlities 1-6 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright 1995 @{"Kimmo Pekkola" LINK Credits} All rights reserved -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 1. Introduction Another clock ?!? There are zillions of clocks around and still people are making them. Why? Well, I made this to learn more about system programming. There was also another reason to make this kind of clock. I am using virtual WB (WB is bigger than the screen) and most of the clocks stay at the up- right corner. You can guess that the clock was always hidden and somebody as lazy as me won't move the mouse just to see what time it is. What do you think we are? Workaholics? Anyway, one day I saw a clock in X-Windows which stayed in the same place no matter where you were. I thought about it and decided to make similar to Amiga WB also. First tought was to use sprites, but as I haven't coded much with system, it turned out to be too hard to make. So I decided to use a window. If someone makes a nice looking clock with sprites, I'd like to have it. Check @{" Using StickyClock " LINK Usage} for more info NOTE: It is not allowed to give this production for free (unless you have a really good reason to do so). You must take a decent amount of money to cover up all your expencises (the more the better :). Everyone who disobeys the rule WILL be prosecuted (and found guilty). @ENDNODE @NODE Usage "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 2. Using StickyClock To try it, just double click the icon. Or drag it in you WBStartup- drawer and boot your machine. You might notice that it doesn't move in realtime, but waits couple of seconds before updating its place. This is because moving a window isn't as fast as you might think. There are still some bugs especially with Magic Menu, which tends to stuck when the StickyClock is moving. I'm trying to fix 'em all ASAP. StickyClock uses MagicWB colors (the 8 first), so if it looks funny it might be that you have different colors on your WB. The GFX were designed on Non-Lace WB (1:2), but it should look nice on 1:1 WB also. The refresh-rate is one second, so it might take a while (1 sec) before it notes that you have done something (Quitted for example). Please note that I don't take any responsibility if your Amiga might crash while using this production nor do I take responsibility for any other kind of data loss or physical / mental damage to you or your computer. @ENDNODE @NODE F&F "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 3. Features Not much features yet. But here are they anyway: Shows current time... :) ...and date (on screentitle) you can specify the place with Tooltypes or CLI arguments PopToFront (Note that it only works when the window moves to another place) Obeys CTRL-C @ENDNODE @NODE History "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 4. History Version 1.0 05-Jan-95 First Release @ENDNODE @NODE ToDo "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 5. ToDo Make it a commodity Add Free mem gauge (and CPUtime as well :) Make it behave a bit better with other programs Fix the bugs) @ENDNODE @NODE Credits "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 6. Credits StickyClock was compiled using PhxAss -assembler on A1200/120/6 by Kimmo 'Rainman' Pekkola All bug-reports and suggestions can be posted to the author (Guess that's me): (Rainman of DiskNet) Kimmo Pekkola Tarjanteenkatu 13 A 4 33720 Tampere Finland or if you prefer e-mail: p151798@cc.tut.fi Thanks must go to Mandra of Skidmark for Ideas and Testing! @ENDNODE @NODE Other "StickyClock Guide 1.0 Copyright 1995 Kimmo Pekkola" 7. Other prods Rainlities #1: Jack the Picture Ripper Simple AGA only graphics ripper with not so system-friendly interface. Not released (Too many bugs) Rainlities #2: Random Generates random numbers Made only for my personal use Rainlities #3: Convert Displays numbers in Dec, Hex, Asc and Bin I might turn it to a command line calculator someday Not very useful yet (= No point in releasing) Rainlities #4: RainDir Colorful window sensitive directory command First release Rainlity Rainlities #5: StickyClock Clock for Virtual WBs Rainlities #6: Iff2Font Converts Iff pics to Amiga bitmap fonts Not ready yet @ENDNODE